Our Services

Honeybee removal

Honeybee relocating

Wasp removal

Hornet removal
Identify your insects
Honey Bees
Worker bees are females that are responsible for the upkeep of the hive and the collection of pollen and nectar. A worker bee can only sting once but are typically peaceful unless the queen or the beehive is threatened. The workers live from 6 weeks to 6 months. Drone bees are male bees who are solely used for mating with the queen. They are not a threat as they do not have a stinger to sting with and will die after mating with the queen. In a normal beehive there are only 200 or so drones during the summer. The drones are kicked out of the beehive for the winter.
Bumble Bees
Yellow Jacket Hornets
Bald-Faced Hornets
Contact Us
If you’ve got a bee problem, choose a humane solution. Call Schultz Honey & Wax Inc. today at 303-425-1896 and let us assist you with proper colony removal and relocation. We’ll get the bees off the premises and situated in a new area where they can thrive as an important part of the local ecosystem.